Tag: product design



QUASI – a robot with a strong emotional connection to humans

QUASI [kwey-zahy, -sahy, kwah-see, -zee] We build object, robots and computers that can execute any command, and we program them in a way that they apologize if something…

wonder about

Wonder about This documentary project, Wonder About, made in collaboration with Elia Villa a Design and Technology student at Parsons, aims to explore a designer’s role in overcoming…

Remove the distances

Remove the distances (design fiction) with this video we imagined different fictional scenarios to envision possible futures for design in removing the distances.

La Nera

La Nera While designing of an espresso coffee machine it is really important to understand the role it has in one’s daily routine. I wanted create a coffee…

Incredible Machine Concept for “Rollerblade”

Incredible Machine Concept for “Rollerblade” New graphic concept for Tecnica Group/ Rollerblade. The theme that we decided to express in the graphics is : Rollerblade as a sustainable…